As expected, Johnny Depp ran away with the last poll, taking 56% of the vote, compared to Jeff Goldblum's 20% for second place. Full results are to the right, bumped down to the bottom of the sidebar. This week ought to be closer, with an Oscar winner and four nerd-favorite actors:
- Michael Emerson (pictured)
You might know him from: Lost, and apparently he was in Saw
His character on Lost, Benjamin Linus, is very Riddler-like. He's intelligent, manipulative, and creepy as hell. The creepy thing is as much Emerson as it is Ben Linus, as demonstrated by his ability to make even nursery rhymes frightening, which I think means he'd make a great Mad Hatter as well.
- Neil Patrick Harris
You might know him from: Doogie Howser, MD, Harold & Kumar, How I Met Your Mother, Dr. Horrible
Technically no stranger to Batman, having voiced the Music Meister on an episode of Batman: the Brave and the Bold, NPH is in pretty high demand these days. And I like him a lot, he's a high energy performer, very talented, but he's not a guy who you could ever imagine posing a threat to Batman. Maybe it's just me, I don't know.
- Viggo Mortensen
You might know him from: The Lord of the Rings, other stuff
Viggo Mortensen is kind of the opposite of the Riddler in every way I can think of. He's in good shape, handsome, seems like he'd hold his own in a fight, and has a commanding voice. He's Aragorn, not Eddie Nygma.
- Kevin Spacey
You might know him from: The Usual Suspects, Seven, American Beauty, Superman Returns
I have no doubt that he'd figure out a way to do the Riddler well, but I seriously doubt he'd actually want to do it. He played Lex Luthor, and I think he'd do it again if the circumstances were right, but I think that's going to be it for him and superhero movies.
- Elijah Wood
You might know him from The Lord of the Rings, and he was apparently that little kid in Back to the Future II who didn't like the idea of video games where you have to use your hands
A much better fit, physically, than Mortensen, and he had some nice moments of kind of evilness in Lord of the Rings, so I could see this. Far from my first choice, but I wouldn't hate the idea.
The poll will be up for a week, vote on the right side of the page.