Tuesday, January 20, 2009

News & Notes

  • Pretty clever image, eh? And Red Bubble is selling them as t-shirts.

  • Cher was on Ellen, and you can watch the entire 8 minutes below, but Ellen asked about that old Catwoman rumor:
    I'm too old to be Catwoman... I could be Grandma Catwoman or something.
  • And the long-running Invisibles on Filmwise this week featured The Dark Knight for (I think) the first time. If you've never done them before, (almost) every week, eight movie stills are posted with the actors photoshopped out, leaving their hollow clothes and the background for you to guess what movie it's from. Usually I can get 5 or so, but I was only good for three this week, even though one was, considering my obsession, a total gimme.

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