Wednesday, January 14, 2009

News & Notes

  • Over at there a rumor from an anonymous source:
    [I] heard from someone at the WB that The Joker may be a part of the next Batman film - if even in a minor capacity. I believe "It's definitely possible; ya never know. Heard some things" were his exact words.
    Not much of a rumor, and not very reliable. But I've been linking to everything I find - even the stupid - so there it is.

  • A fansite at put together a description of a trailer for a Batman 3 centered on the Riddler (as played by Johnny Depp). It's pretty long, and not too bad. Mostly I linked to it cause it had the photoshopped poster above, which I hadn't seen before. It's pretty spiffy, I think. I have no idea who made it, if anyone can point me in the artist's direction I'd appreciate it.

  • And MTV's Splash Page has a poll to determine the "greatest badass of all time." Odds are good that it'll come down to Wolverine and Batman, but I don't see what's so badass about a guy who can heal from any injury. It doesn't take guts to put yourself into harm's way when you can't really be harmed.

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