Thursday, January 29, 2009

News & Notes

Another cool fake poster. No idea on the original author, I first saw it here.
  • Chris Sims' Invincible Super-Blog featured The Internet Writes Batman, which is a pretty amusing take on fan complaints of recent comic storylines. I have to laugh at myself, because I'm guilty of a few of the complaints he pokes fun at.

  • Twas the Dark Knight Before Christmas is a pretty well done mashup of the Christmas classic and an earnest Batman story:
  • Topless Robot, a usually Work-safe site despite its name, is not work safe this time with a list of 6 hints that Frank Miller might have issues with women. A couple of the drawings they include might not go down too well if your boss (or mother or significant other) catches them over your shoulder, so click the link at your own risk. Obviously, there are a few Batman entries on the list

Sorry for the lack of update yesterday, work emergency.

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