Image from here.
- Newsarama discusses (at great length) the history of the Batman costume. Highly recommended.
- DC is doing 75th anniversary covers that pay homage to classic covers, starting with this one by Mike Mignola. Comics Alliance has a list of 10 other covers they'd like to see him tackle
- Topless Robot lists the 5 coolest and 5 strangest Batman crossovers. I think the Planetary one was one of the best.
- Io9 has a feature on the bootleg Batman art of Asia and a NSFW article on the history of Batman-themed pornography.
- Here is a mashup of Toy Story 2 and The Dark Knight
- Neal Adams, one of the great Batman artists ever, is doing a new Batman book. Here are some images from it.
- A couple of Batman-related webcomics: here and here.
The next Riddler poll will be a while, as I'm on vacation with spotty internet access. But it's coming eventually!