Monday, August 4, 2008

News & Notes

Some notes from around the web:
  • As I mentioned in my lengthy post on the Riddler, Johnny Depp is rumored to be cast in that part. But a weirder rumor is that Catwoman is set to appear, and will be played by Maggie Gyllenhaal, which seems hard to believe.

  • Bam! Kapow! has a gallery of women besides Angelina Jolie (or Maggie Gyllenhaal) who they think could play Catwoman, though they seem to think of Selina as a blonde like Michelle Pfeiffer, while she's always been a brunette to me. A few of the images are kinda racy, so click at your own risk when your boss/wife isn't looking here.

  • The A-Train's Pullbox has a very lengthy article on how Robin might work in Batman movies. Even though the director and star have separately said that it won't happen, it's fun to think about.

The first poll here is wrapped up, and 55% of you say the Joker shouldn't be played by another actor, 31% say it would be ok for just a cameo, and 10% wouldn't mind re-casting him completely. A new poll is already up about the Penguin.

Doctor Phosphorus was the last of the requests I had, so let me know in the comments if there's anyone in particular you'd like to see. Check the list to see who's been covered so far.

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