Joseph Gordon-Levitt has long been rumored to be joining the Dark Knight Rises cast, but until today we didn't know who he'd be playing. Now, everyone seems certain that he is playing Alberto Falcone, the son of Carmine Falcone from Batman Begins. Most sources for this news include plenty of spoilers for what happens to Falcone in The Long Halloween comic (like Variety's article). If you want the whole spoiler-filled background on Alberto Falcone, you can click here.
Other news:
- Michael Gough, who played Alfred Pennyworth in all the Michael Keaton/Val Kilmer/George Clooney movies has died.
- Yale University makes the case that Bruce Wayne went to law school at Yale.
- I don't know how I haven't seen this before, but a blogger has undertaken the completely insane challenge of reading/viewing all Batman comics, TV, and film in chronological order. This should take him at least a couple decades, I'd think, since he's actually writing about them all. Comicvine lists Batman as being in 6839 comics to date, and more are constantly coming out (I don't read all the current titles, but looking at what came out I'd guess Batman was in 2 this week and 4 last week, so every year it takes I'd guess he's got 150 new comics to read).
- An artist did a really nice rendition of 9 villains from Batman: The Animated Series and put them up on his wall.
- Screenjunkies lists 9 Batman villains who should never be in a film, but incorrectly includes the Ventriloquist and Scarface, who I think could be a fine addition to a movie.
- For a Batman enthusiast who is in Taiwan and needs a hotel that books hourly (and we all know what that means), this is the place for you.
- And a commenter recently mentioned that with the Batmobile destroyed in the last movie, we could be expecting a new one. Which reminded me to link to this site with just about every Batmobile design ever.
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